Will small ever be beautiful for post-Brexit government procurement?
Lost amid much of the fanfare of the Conservative Manifesto launch were some familiar pledges on Government purchasing relationships with…
Lost amid much of the fanfare of the Conservative Manifesto launch were some familiar pledges on Government purchasing relationships with…
Metaphorically putting civil service goldfish into tanks (outside of the London goldfish bowl) would allow a less rounded, more real understanding of the impact of national policy decisions at the grass roots.
The sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) programme should harness and drive digital innovation as a positive force to help overcome barriers to the integration of health and social care and improve standards of delivery
There was a time when the intricacies of local government and NHS capital expenditure were delicacies best served up by specialist trade magazines for a discerning readership
Nothing less than a ‘whole-place’ pooling of public service budgets and devolution of criminal justice system powers to local level can create the conditions for community transformation