Redditch Community Hub

Redditch Community Hub


DragonGate won a competitive tender process to assist with preparing a full business case for a public service hub in Redditch Town Centre. In addition to being a key regeneration project the hub would enable services to transform and reduce property costs.


DragonGate delivered this four-module project at pace, completing the business case within two and a half months from a standing start. DragonGate deployed a highly skilled, multi-disciplinary team led by DragonGate’s Head of Local Government and ex-Chief Executive for Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.

The team comprised the following specialisms:

  • Design & Workspace Strategy
  • Finance and HM Treasury Greenbook analysis
  • Commercial & Property
  • Transformational Business Change
  • Professional Services
  • Marketing & Sector Engagement

The programme’s modules were as follows: 

Phase 1: Pre-Programme and Initial Analysis

This first phase of work pivoted around the formation of a two-stage project Working Group and inception workshop which defined and agreed the scope of subsequent analysis. This involved an open information exchange between all parties including FTE break down across Redditch Council and information around travel to work parameters and future recruitment plans. The end of the phase saw an initial “Options Dashboard” – based on initial findings from provided data – on which to build subsequent phases. Four site proposals were identified across the town, each of which aligning with the Council’s strategy.

Phase 2: Information Gathering and Initial Appraisal

Phase 2 appraised the initial findings through four parallel modules of specialist information gathering and analysis, including: Space Budget, Site Appraisal, Transformational Change and Wider Market Demand Analysis. Site visits were required to understand the physical restrictions and opportunities of each site. DragonGate also engaged with members of staff throughout the Council to better understand their day-to-day work needs such as how often they work in certain areas of the building.

Wider market analysis also began when DragonGate interviewed complementary service providers in and around the town. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Hospital Trusts, library services, and other voluntary sector groups were all engaged. Data was integrated into the evolving business case. Significant space savings were identified for all organisations involved in the process, allowing for further cost savings.

This phase provided the bulk of evidence for the HMT Five Case Business Case analysis, but also data for a comprehensive options appraisal to be taken forward in Phase 3. The phases ended with two large scale consultation meetings with Council staff and leaders from other organisations which allowed DragonGate to produce a ranking system for the options being considered.

Phase 3: Analysis, Strategy Review and Options Appraisal

Phase 3 provided the opportunity to refine the qualitative and quantitative evidence gathered in Phases 1 and 2 and present the Working Group with a comprehensive set of options that can be measured against one another. A strategic review workshop allowed the Working Group to make an informed decision on the preferred options. 

Phase 4: Final Business Case

Phase 4 brought the preferred option selected from Phase 3 up to the level of a full business case, including all relevant angles of analysis. This provided robust evidence to be presented to occupiers, wider stakeholders and potential investors. As well as adhering to HMT Five Case Business Case, the Final Business Case also provided funding stream options for the Council to realise the vision. The findings of the Case were:

  • Intervention would unlock significant town centre regeneration and support the Council’s longer term transformation into the 2050s
  • Reduce running costs and occupancy by up to 45%
  • It would enable public service integration with ‘in principle’ support from a critical mass of public service tenants
  • A funding & delivery vehicle was identified
  • The proposal affordable and it would improve the AS IS position